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Watch Jon Stewart’s hilarious ‘Daily Show’ return monologue

After moving out from beneath Stephen Colbert’s desk, Jon Stewart is now back on The Daily Show each Monday to cover the upcoming 2024 election.

In the 20-minute monologue above the host discusses what’s happened so far, including the alleged issues candidates President Joe Biden and Donald Trump have been having with their memories and Biden’s recent (confusing) decision to join TikTok (“How do you go on TikTok and end up looking older?” asks Stewart).

“Look, the next nine months or so — and maybe more than that depending on the coup schedule – they’re gonna suck,” concludes Stewart. “You’re gonna get inundated with robocalls, and push polls, and real polls, and people are gonna tell you to rock the vote, and be the vote, and vote the vote, and finger-bang the vote, and it’s all going to make you feel like Tuesday, November 5 is the only day that matters. And that day does matter, but man, November 6 ain’t nothing to sneeze at, or November 7. If your guy loses bad things might happen, but the country is not over, and if your guy wins, the country is in no way saved.

“I’ve learned one thing over these last nine years, and I was glib at best and probably dismissive at worst about this: The work of making this world resemble one that you would prefer to live in is a lunch pail f***ing job, day in and day out, where thousands of committed, anonymous, smart and dedicated people bang on closed doors and pick up those that are fallen and grind away on issues until they get a positive result, and even then have to stay on to make sure that result holds.”


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