Categories: GENERAL

The best gift ideas for people in long-distance relationships

Long-distance relationships are the epitome of bittersweet.

A perpetual ache takes the place of the company you wish you were keeping; whoever said “absence makes the heart grow fonder” was really onto something. They were also corny as hell, but mushy quotes elicit less of an eye roll when you treasure falling asleep on FaceTime together every night.

However, LDRs don’t have to be as dramatic as Fake Deep Twitter makes them out to be. There are tons of items out there that can make the separation more bearable, especially if your next trip to see each other is still up in the air. Until teleportation is a thing, fill the void with these nifty gifts that can make you feel more connected, keep that spark alive, or simply help your S.O. feel less alone. (The presents can’t prevent every downside, but at least they’ll give your person reassurance that they’re on your mind.)

With Valentine’s Day coming up, this is an especially opportune time to let your long-distance loved ones know you’re thinking of them with a gift. While some of these gifts are clearly for couples, others aren’t limited to a romantic long-distance relationship. Living far away from family members or friends and not seeing them often can be just as hard. Many of these gifts would make just as sweet a gift for your BFF or your family.


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