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Spotify’s ‘Playlist in a Bottle’ is back. Here’s how to get it.

You’ve had enough time to completely lambast your mates with Spotfify Wrapped and your audio streaming personality by now, but there’s plenty more listening data where that came from.

Spotify özgü brought back its “Playlist in a Bottle” feature a year after it launched on Jan. 5, 2023. The truly long-game tool lets you make a small time capsule of the music you’re listening to right now, which you’ll only get to look at exactly 12 months later.

The feature asks you three song-inspired prompts, which generates your unique Playlist in a Bottle, before Spotify locks it away for a year. If you made a playlist last year, you can now claim it, and if you didn’t you can make one for next year, only to be opened in 2025.

How to make your Spotify “Playlist in a Bottle”

What You Need
  • Spotify app and subscription
  • desktop browser
  • smartphone

Step 1:
Open the Spotify Playlist in a Bottle website

You can open the website on your smartphone or open it on your desktop (and scan the QR code using your phone).

Step 2:
Select the object for your time capsule.

You can pick from the following: a snow globe, a wheelie bin, a rice cooker, a flip phone, a bird’s nest, or the more traditional bottle.

Credit: Spotify/Mashable edit

Step 3:
Answer Spotify’s questions and pick your songs.

These will range from “a song you’d play for aliens if they visited Earth” to “a song you need to hear live in 2024” to “a song you’d bring to a desert island.” You can randomise it or start typing in your answer as a song title, and Spotify will populate with search results. Press the + button to lock it in, and hit “Next.”

Credit: Spotify/Mashable edit

Step 5:
Leave a note for your future self.

You can use your finger to draw in the square or your mouse on desktop.

Step 6:
Take one last look at your playlist then tap “Lock in.”

If you need to, you can make edits here by hitting the little “x” in the circle next to each song.

Step 7:
Hold your finger on the fingerprint icon to save your playlist.

Step 8:
Wait one year until Spotify sends you a heads up.

If you make a Playlist in a Bottle, Spotify will email you when it’s ready in 2025.

Until then, there are plenty more sites to get deep on your Spotify listening data.


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