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PS5 Pro: This new feature is why it’ll be better than the OG PS5

Sony is gearing up for the launch of the PlayStation 5 Pro and encouraging developers to optimize their games for the new console.

Aiming to overcome the original PS5’s limitations, the PS5 Pro focuses on enhanced ray tracing performance, which özgü been a challenge for the base model. The Verge reports that the upcoming PS5 Pro will dramatically improve how games handle ray-traced graphics, aiming for stable frame rates and higher fidelity — in stark contrast to the current model’s performance.

When ray tracing isn’t on point, the result can be glitchy or unnatural light or reflections — including stutters or low frame rates — which can break your feeling of immersion. 

Developers are being prompted to prepare not only new games but also to update existing titles under the “Trinity Enhanced” label, after the console’s codename. This label assures players of enhanced features such as superior ray tracing, higher resolutions, and better overall performance.

According to leaks, the PS5 Pro will boast a significant speed advantage, approximately 45 percent faster than its predecessor, with enhanced titles supporting better resolution and frame rate. This upgrade mirrors the enhancement strategy seen in Xbox Series X and Series S games, although Sony’s focus appears to be meant for native PS5 games only.

The necessity of these upgrades is evident, as even high-profile PS5 games like Dragon’s Dogma 2 and Final Fantasy 16 have struggled with performance issues on the original PS5. With the introduction of the PS5 Pro, Sony aims to not only address these issues but also to enhance the gaming experience significantly, making it an exciting prospect for gamers looking to upgrade.


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