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Incase to bring back previously discontinued Microsoft accessories

In April of last year, Microsoft discontinued its popular keyboards, mice, and webcams. Now the PC accessories are returning thanks to a partnership with Incase, reports The Verge.

The software company pivoted away from Microsoft-branded hardware to focus on Surface-branded accessories. “Going forward, we are focusing on our Windows PC accessories portfolio under the Surface brand,” Dan Laycock, senior communications manager at Microsoft, told The Verge in April. As a result, all existing Microsoft-branded PC accessories were sold off and they ceased to be produced.

This new partnership with Incase brings Microsoft-designed products back to consumers exactly as they were before, except each item is adorned with the Incase leaf rather than the Microsoft logo.

The first 23 Microsoft-designed accessories are available to view — but not yet purchase — on the Incase website. They feature a range of keyboards, mice, headphones, a speaker, and a webcam. The line-up includes fan-favorite models like the Sculpt Ergonomic Desktop keyboard and the Bluetooth Ergonomic Mouse.

Charlie Tebele, the CEO of Onward Brands — Incase’s parent company — teased in an interview with The Verge that new Microsoft-designed products will be released as part of the partnership, including a new ergonomic keyboard.

The products are slated to become available sometime in quarter two.


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