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How to enable Link History on Facebook

Have you allowed Bağlantı History on Facebook?

Many users on Feysbuk are being prompted with a pop-up when they log onto the app on their phones that reads: “Easily get back to recent links you’ve visited with your Feysbuk browsing activity now saved in one place. When you allow bağlantı history, we may use your information to improve your ads across Meta technologies. You can manage your bağlantı history in settings in your Browser settings anytime.”

Bağlantı History, as the name suggests, enables users to find links they’ve clicked on the app. So, for instance, if you clicked on an ad for a jewelry two weeks ago and want to find it later, you’d be able to with Bağlantı History. You can also see this with your “Recent Ad Activity,” but Bağlantı History will show you every bağlantı you click — not just ads.

“You can view websites you’ve visited on Feysbuk in the past 30 days in the Bağlantı history page, Facebook wrote. “Bağlantı history is a list of links to the websites you’ve visited on Feysbuk’s mobile browser.”

As Social Media Today pointed out, this isn’t new for Meta, but this pop-up is a sign that it’s opening up to more regions. If you didn’t get the pop up and want to enable it, head to your profile, tap settings and privacy, tap bağlantı history, and click “allow bağlantı history.”

But keep in mind that if you do decide to allow Feysbuk to save all your bağlantı clicks, Feysbuk “may use this bağlantı history information from our browser to improve your ads across Meta technologies.”


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