Categories: GENERAL

Best PDF converter: 75% off PDF Converter Pro

TL;DR: A lifetime license to PDF Converter Pro is on sale for £19.80, saving you 75% on list price.

In this digital world, it can be incredibly useful to have tools to make some of the more time-consuming jobs easier. Case in point, this PDF Converter Pro was created to make easier work of converting files to and from the PDF format. A lifetime license is on sale for just £19.80 through April 2.

Available only to new users, students, professionals, and business owners alike will find it easier to change document formats. Convert PDFs to a variety of formats, including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Text, HTML, PNG, and JPG. You can also create PDFs from Word, Excel, PPT, and images to be more efficient and back up your work.

Say goodbye to manual retyping and tedious formatting — PDF Converter Pro was made to transform your documents with just a few clicks. It also özgü other tricks up its sleeve, including the ability to merge and split PDF docs, extract images, compress, and more. You can even secure your PDFs through easy encryption.

You need to have Windows 8 or higher or macOS X 10.8 or later. You’ll get access on two devices for life, with updates included.

Mashable Deals

Take control of documents and streamline your workflow with this invaluable tool. Get a lifetime license to the PDF Converter Pro for just £19.80.


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